We all want to get our cardio in, and this is winter which makes it the perfect time to work in our summer bodies right? Rebounding/ trampoline work out is one of the best cardio exercises one can do. It is appropriate for people of all ages from children to adults. There are benefits of rebounding that everyone needs to know and at Pilates Dynamics, we are not stingy with information so here goes:
What are the benefits of Rebounding?
Weight loss benefits
- Tightens the tummy by engaging your core in every movement as you work out. The Trampoline exercise is also well known for stimulating your metabolism so that you get to burn more calories throughout the day and unlike longer cardio sessions which are thought to hinder weight-loss due to the longer periods of you running out of breath. With rebounding, you do not experience that.
Medical Benefits
- Rebounding also helps with lymphatic circulation by keeping your fluid levels balanced so that toxins are flushed out easily and this helps your body fight infections.
- Lowers blood pressure so that fluids move more effectively through the body and back to the heart, helping to lower blood pressure.
- Reduces your risk of chronic disease by decreasing blood pressure and blood fat. These benefits prevent you from increasing belly fat, which can boost your risk of type 2 diabetes.
Helps Reduce Cellulite
- Rebounding on a trampoline is like pumping your body. Rebounding helps stimulate the thyroid gland start cleaning itself and the entire lymphatic system of stored fat. Trampoline exercise is the most proven way of eliminating cellulite
Do I need any previous Pilates experience to join a class?
Not at all! If you are a beginner, you can join Pilates classes. Prior to joining the Pilates group classes, we will set up a private Pilates class for you during which we will teach you the basics of Pilates, muscle recruitment and correct body alignment to prepare you for the Pilates group classes. Pilates group classes are small. We take a maximum of 8 people per class, to ensure quality training.
Should you need to do a few private classes prior to joining a group class, that can also be arranged.
How do I book Pilates classes at Pilates Dynamics?
Contact us on: info@pilatesdynamics.co.za
Phone us on: 072 999 2229 or 011 792 5459
WhatsApp us on: 072 999 2229